How to add numbers to Exceptions in AutoCorrect?


Sarah Feliz

I'd like to add numbers to the exceptions in AutoCorrect. For example, I'd
like to be able to type "1." or "2." (no quotes) to the Don't Capitalize
After list so that the word following this number-period combination will
not be automatically capitalized. How can I do that? Word does not allow
numbers to be added. The "Add" button is greyed out when I try to add
numbers instead of words.


Beth Rosengard

Hi Sarah,

Well, apparently you can't type a numeral (it's not the period that's the
problem) in the "Don't capitalize after" pane of AutoCorrect Exceptions. I
have no idea why. However ....

If you turn off Automatic Bulleted and Numbered Lists (in Autoformat as you
type), Word will stop capitalizing after 1., 2., etc., all by itself. This
will also mean that Word will no longer autoformat your lists but you're
better off doing it yourself anyway. The easiest way is to use a list Style
which you can apply whenever you start a numbered list. You can use one of
Word's built-in list styles and modify it to suit your needs. See Format>
Style, change the List pane to "All styles," and you'll see all of Word's
built in styles. You can also create your own if you prefer.

If you're not familiar with Styles, look them up in Word's Help and come
back here with any questions you may have.

Hope this helps.

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <>
Entourage Help Page: <>

Sarah Feliz

Thanks so much for your reply. I now understand this process better. But I
was a bit inaccurate in my description. What I really need is to be able to
type "1a." or "2a." and so on (no quotes) without having the next word be
capitalized. I can't figure out a way to do this. Is this not doable period?
How about a workaround?

Beth Rosengard

Hi Sarah,

Now you've got me puzzled because when I type 1a. and a space and then
"test" (no quotes) ­ *whether or not* I have the automatic bulleted and
numbered lists options checked ­ Word does not capitalize the first letter
of "test." This makes sense because a. is already entered as an Exception
by default, and putting the 1 in front of it shouldn't make a difference.

However, if the automatic options *are* checked, and if I purposely
capitalize "test", then Word will follow suit with the next list item.

So please tell me *exactly* what you're typing and which AutoCorrect options
you have checked. And also note what version of Word you're using. I'm in
Word 2001 and it really shouldn't make a difference, but you never know.

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <>
Entourage Help Page: <>

Sarah Feliz

When I type a.<space>test<space> Word does not capitalize the word test.

When I type 1a.<space>test<space> Word capitalizes the word test.

This happens whether or not I have the automatic bulleted and numbered list
options checked.

How were you able to get Word not to capitalize after 1a.<space>? I can't
achieve this, but if did it, there must be a way.


Beth Rosengard

Hi Sarah,

When I type your test sentences, in *both* cases the word "test" is *not*
capitalized, whether or not I have the automatic bulleted and numbered list
options checked in "Autoformat as you type." There is nothing I knowingly
did to make this happen; it's just the way it is.

When you go to AutoCorrect> Exceptions, is "a." in the Exceptions list by
default? It is for me.

You didn't say if you're in Word 2001 or Word X. They should be the same
but ... would someone else in Word X who happens to read this please test it
out for us.

In the meantime, I have a temporary workaround for you: In your example,
the word "test" will capitalize as soon as you type a space after it. If at
that point, and before doing anything else, you hit Command-Z (undo), the
autocorrection will be undone. Alternatively, you could turn off the
Autocorrect setting to "capitalize first letter of sentences."

Sorry not to be of more help.

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <>
Entourage Help Page: <>

Sarah Feliz

Hi Beth,

I tried it again and, what do you know, this time, inexplicably, it worked.

BUT only in Word ... In Entourage (part of Microsoft Office X), it still
capitalizes whatever word I type after 1a.

When I click Undo it does return the word to small caps, but only that time.
When I type 1a. again, even in the same document, it capitalizes the next
word all over again, and I must hit Undo again, and each time after.

I'm using Word X (Office X).

Any way to have Word parameters apply to Entourage (which I thought happened
automatically)? I know this is a bit off topic, but maybe you (or someone
else) has an answer.


Beth Rosengard

Hi Sarah,

I noticed the same thing about Entourage. I have a feeling it's a bug
because Entourage *should* pick up the autocorrect settings from Word, as
you point out. On the other hand, there are significant coding differences
between the two applications which could just as easily account for the
discrepancy, so ask over on and see
what they say. Regardless, I don't think you'll get an answer you like.

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <>
Entourage Help Page: <>

Sarah Feliz

Hi Beth,

Thanks for all your help. I've already tried to get answers over at the
Entourage ng but, as you said, without results.

Beth Rosengard

Hi Sarah,

No response or no results? If the former, ask again next week when everyone
is back from holiday (though I still don't think you'll get an answer you

Why don't you just turn off the option to capitalize the first letter in
sentences, at least when you're working with 1a., etc., formatting?

And you should also make a request to Microsoft to fix the problem in
Entourage. Use the Feedback feature on the Entourage Help menu.

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <>
Entourage Help Page: <>

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