How to add the Custome Field which is similar to Link in the Outlook Contact Form



I want to add the custome field in the Outlook Contact Form. Any Item in
the outlook can point to the contact item using link. I want to add the link
field in the outlook contact form.I know that by deafult the link field is
present in the Outlook contact form.But the limitation of this field is it
can hold only reference of the contact item but not able to refer the
Task,Appointment or the mail item. What I want to do is to add the custome
field in the conact item which can hold reference of the contact,
task,Appointment or mail Item.

Thanks and regards,

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Add a property to the UserProperties collection of the item. It won't behave
like the Links collection however, since it won't be a live link to Outlook

Links is actually implemented as a couple of fields under the hood. You have
a string field that has the contact names and a binary multi-value field
with the EntryID's of the contacts.

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