Hi MikeL
One of my foremost rules for using Word is this: The space bar is for putting spaces
between words. If you're using the the space bar to position text, you're doing
something wrong.
To align numbers on the decimal point, use a decimal tab. As a test to see how this
works, type some text like this:
Green Apples[Tab]12.12
Now, select all that text and do Format > Tabs. Clear any tabs that are already showing.
In the Tab Stop position type an appropriate number (for our example, try say 5cm).
Click the Decimal option and click OK.
If you're doing lots of stuff like this, or if you need borders around the data, put the
data in a Table. Use Insert > Table to create the table. "Green Apples" goes in one cell
and "12.12" goes in the next cell. Don't use any tabs or spaces to position the text.
Instead, select the whole of the column holding the numbers and do Format > Tab to set
the decimal tab for all the cells in that column. Experiment to get the Tab Stop
Position correct.
Hope this helps.
Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.
Published papers in a particular journal show tables in which the decimal
points of numbers are the vertical alignment reference within a column; i.e.
the decimal points fall on a vertical line through the column of data. Is
there a way to format for this or does one have to "force" the alignment
through the use of spaces, etc? Thanks