how to alphabetize sections within folder


John Waller

You have to do it manually.

But the next version of ON will do it automatically......I hope ;-)


I hope Microsoft will give lots of thought to keeping a
notebook organized--it's just too complicated now. For
example, with IE I save a .mht on my desktop, then drag
it onto a ON page. ON offers to put a copy of the .mht
in my notebook rather than just a link to it on the
desktop. This is cool. I accept that offer, and get a
link on the page to the .mht stored in the notebook. I
delete the .mht from the desktop. The .mht is now
available even if I'm offline, or if I synchronize My
Notebook for offline use with my laptop. This seemed
like a really nice feature when I first tried it with ON.

But then I decide that the page belongs in a section in a
different folder, so I move it (not by dragging and
dropping, unfortunately, but I manage to move it.) Two
months later I discover the link to the .mht is now
broken. If I can remember where I moved it from, I go to
Windows Explorer, locate the folder that contains
the .mht, and move it to the new folder. If I can't find
it, the link remains worthless. This really spoils the
otherwise nice feature of inserting .mht's into the

Hassles with keeping things organized is one of my
biggest disappointments with ON (another being it doesn't
support OLE, so I can't do things like insert an equation
if I'm taking math notes.) I hope the next version will
make it easier.


Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

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