I believe what you are looking to do is to have the arrow rotate at each
corner of the box so the arrow point is always pointing the "right"
direction. This can be accomplished by creating a custom motion path, then
adding animations adjusted on the timeline to occur at the right time (ie.
when path comes to a corner). But this is not repeatable with the current
repeat animation options in PPT. Option 2 would be to actually have 4 arrows
and animate one in > motion path > exit animation and then the next. This
may be possible to create a repeating animation but very tricky and
tempermental using the current repeat animation options.
My 2 realistic suggestions are:
1. create an animated .GIF of the arrow and insert it, set to repeat until
next click or next slide
2. have semi transparent arrows first animate on to show the direction of
the flow and then animate a circle with a motion path around the shape/path
(which can be set to repeat without need of worrying about the "direction"
of the pointer).
Best Regards,
Troy Chollar
TLC Creative Services, Inc.
troy at tlc creative dot com
www dot tlccreative dot com
A Microsoft PowerPoint MVP