How to apply a Rule so message go just to the specified folder?




I have several email accounts in my Outlook, and I want the received email
to go directly into the correct email folder, but I can not seem to get this
correct. I have been trying now different ways. So what I want is that when
an email comes in, it should go to the folder specified for the mail and that
is it. Like (e-mail address removed) goes to the folder Info in Outlook.

Hope someone can give me the whole Rule setting, because I have found it a
little bit frustrating.


Jacob George

hello Knut

Go to tools---rules and alerts--new rule-- start from a blank rule-- check
messages when they arrive--next--through the specific accont (Check it)
--step 2 windowclick on the underlined word "Specific"( where you can select
the account from which _service provider-you want to recive mail this time)
-- next -- check the box corresponding to move it to specific folder instep
1 - in step 2 window click the underlined word "specified " which shows a
list in which clik on inbox and then clk on new -- here give a name for your
indentification strike OK & come to previous menu where u can see the
new folder is created under -- inbox --OK---next -Next-- Check box to turn on
this rule and for to run this rule for mails already in the box ---- finish
now any new mails arriving through that specific account will be move to the
new folder created undr inbox.

exactly follow this u will make it

by by

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