How to approach this?




As some of you may know I'm building myself an Excel based register and
markbook to record all my pupil data.

I have pretty much got the register section completed and am now moving
towards tackling the markbook.

In my workbook I have got a statistics sheet, where I am going to
collate the info to produce some meaningful info. So for example, with
my attendance data in the registers, I have got some simple formulas
working out percentages for on time, late, absent etc....

Now, I want to do something similar the basically allows me to enter in
marks and it will work out some stats for me.

However, the difficulty lies in that some work will be marked as a %,
some will be graded, some may just be given a mark out of something!

Does anyone have any ideas how I should undertake this challenge. Is
there a way of getting excel to look at a range, if there is a number
then use it to calculate an average %, if there is a letter i.e. a
grade, do something else?!

Can Excel find an average letter? So say a pupil had three grade in the
markbook and they were A, B C. It could work out that the average is B.

Any ideas would be welcome, get the old grey matter going!




Maybe you could attach a number value to each grade-

Not sure if that helps....

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