How to assign short cut key to macro defined in VB


Frank M.

If you use the macro recorder you get the option to assign a short cut key to it. However, I don't see how to assign a key to an already existing macro defined through the VBA editor. I would expect to be able to go to Tools -> Customize.. and then in that dialog choose keyboard button, which opens a new dialog "Customize Keyboard". In that you can choose Categories and the Commands for those. However, when you choose Macro as category the commands listbox is empty. Should it not list the macros that are active either through the document itself or the underlying template

Perhaps there is another way to get the short cut assigned



Peter Hewett

Hi Frank

If the macro you've defined takes arguments or is defined as Private then you
won't see it in the macros list. Likewise you cant get at procedures in Class
or Form modules, but you can get at procedures in the ThisDocument class!

HTH + Cheers - Peter

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