How to Associate a Ribbon Button with a Macro?


George Lee

In Word 2007, how can find out which macro a Ribbon button is calling? Is
there a way through the user interface?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

If you hover the mouse over the button, it will display the name of the
template/add-in to which the button belongs. If you open the add-in you can
probably tell which macro it is by looking at the code in the VBE.

To be more certain, you would need to open the add-in with the Office 2007
Custom UI Editor.

Hope this helps.

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Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

George Lee

It's funny I didn't notice the name in the tip/supertip area. You're right,
that's probably enough, though. The Custom UI Editor doesn't seem to work,
presumably since there is no XML for the automatic conversions. Personally I
think the whole add-in conversion process seems haphazard.

Cindy M.

Hi George,
In Word 2007, how can find out which macro a Ribbon button is calling? Is
there a way through the user interface?

Adding on to my previous response...

I get the impression these are members of the CommandBars object model
("toolbar buttons"). In 2007 there's nothing in the user interface that will
let you see this. But using macros you can query the OnAction property of
the CommandBarButton object in question. That will return the macro name.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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