Reference: Navigation bars and other content is missing from Publisher HTML
output in Internet Explorer 8:
This is also fixed with the Office 2007 SP2:
Reference: Description of 2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 2 (SP2)
and of Microsoft Office Language Pack 2007 SP2:
The usual caveat also applies. While I would never recommend to anyone that
they not install any security or service patch, when you install service
patches there can be unintended consequences. You might fix one thing only
to break something else. While I have not had any problems on my test
partition and Spike has not announced any problems, there have been a few
people who have posted about problems opening Pub 2007 files after
installing the Office 2007 SP2.
also lists some of the known issues along with some of the things this patch
fixes in Office 2007 applications.
If you have reservations about installing the patch, then you can manually
ungroup the navbar as per the first KB, but it also has a potential
downside. Post back if you want more information.