How to auto format Area Chart Data Label?




I have an area chart with several labels data point, where the row is the
type 939, 949, 969, 999 and Extra, column are date 01/09, 02/09.... and the
data value in number of hours.

Type 01/09 02/09 03/09
939 12.5 60.5 52.0
949 25.5 12.5 12.0
979 56.5 60.5 52.0
Extra 5.0 2.3 1.1

Depend on the machine number selected, it might have all type 939,etc.. then
sometime just return 939 and 999 only. How do I auto format the data label so
if any type have no data, then don't show the data label?

It does kind of work if uncheck the option of "Show items with no data", but
the problem is 939 has to be blue, 949 green, 969 yellow, 999 orange and
Extra is gray.
Is there a way to write a macro so it will format the right color based on
the type. Thanks

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