How to automate make text in image searchable


Raphael Malikian


I am using ON 2007, but I have imported a lot of material from ON 2003 in
which the images are not text searchable by default.

Is there a command I can do from inside ON2007, or a script I can run, which
will go through all of my notebooks, section groups, sections and pages to
make the text in all images searchable?

I can do them one by one, but it's over a year's worth of material so it
will take a long time to do it manually...and I'm also worried that in the
process I might kill my right mouse button if I do it manually XD

Look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Raphael Malikian

Ben M. Schorr, MVP

If you go to Tools | Options | Other is "disable text recognition in
pictures" checked?

Raphael Malikian


Thank you for your quick reply.

The box is not checked.

Anything that I import into ON 2007 gets OCR'd, but the ON 2003 material
which I imported and converted into ON2007 has not been OCR'd.

Thanks again.

Raphael Malikian

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