Hi, all:
I'm a complete newbie to Frontpage and in the process of setting a simple
webpage for my laboratory. Specifically, I would like to make some simple
pages that link to some pdf documents commonly shared by my lab members.
I've found some free Frontpage templates at
http://www.rtbwizards.com/new/free.asp and thought the 'RTB Dot Com' one can
best suite my simple needs, in that it offers a 'sitemap' page that
automatically lists the content of the entire website.
Here's my problem. I'm going to use its 'company info' as my model pdf page
that links to different pdf catagories. So, the original layout will be
changed from 'company info' --> 'news', 'policies', 'legal statement' to 'lab
pdf documents' --> 'pdf group 1', 'pdf group 2', 'pdf group 3'. And, within
each individual 'pdf group' page, it will have links to pdf documents
catagorized by each group. So, when users go into each individual 'pdf group'
pages, they'll see available links to pdf articles; and they can clink on the
links to have pdf articles open up in a new window. Similarly, if the users
go directly to the 'sitemap' page, they also can easily navigate around to
find pdf files of their interest to open them up.
Well, in Frontpage, I could easily link my pdf articles to different 'pdf
group' page they belong to. However, once I uploaded pages/pdf files up to my
server, I can only see links of the html pages shown up in 'company info'
(now the 'lab pdf documents' page), but not the links to the actual pdf
documents themselves. Same situation also happened in the 'sitemap' page.. I
suspect this might have something to do with the "WEBBOT" codes:
<!--WEBBOT bot="Navigation" s-orientation="horizontal" s-rendering="html"
s-bar="Bars" s-btn-nml="<A HREF="#URL#" TARGET="#TARGET#"
STYLE="{text-decoration: none;}">#LABEL#</A>" s-btn-sel="#LABEL#"
s-btn-sep=" | " s-type="top" b-include-home="TRUE" b-include-up="FALSE"
startspan -->
However, I really have no knowledge as how this code can be changed to suite
my needs or not. Or, it is simply not feasible to do what I wanted to do.
Could any expert help me out with this task. Any suggestion would be highly
appreciated. Thanks in advance!!
I'm a complete newbie to Frontpage and in the process of setting a simple
webpage for my laboratory. Specifically, I would like to make some simple
pages that link to some pdf documents commonly shared by my lab members.
I've found some free Frontpage templates at
http://www.rtbwizards.com/new/free.asp and thought the 'RTB Dot Com' one can
best suite my simple needs, in that it offers a 'sitemap' page that
automatically lists the content of the entire website.
Here's my problem. I'm going to use its 'company info' as my model pdf page
that links to different pdf catagories. So, the original layout will be
changed from 'company info' --> 'news', 'policies', 'legal statement' to 'lab
pdf documents' --> 'pdf group 1', 'pdf group 2', 'pdf group 3'. And, within
each individual 'pdf group' page, it will have links to pdf documents
catagorized by each group. So, when users go into each individual 'pdf group'
pages, they'll see available links to pdf articles; and they can clink on the
links to have pdf articles open up in a new window. Similarly, if the users
go directly to the 'sitemap' page, they also can easily navigate around to
find pdf files of their interest to open them up.
Well, in Frontpage, I could easily link my pdf articles to different 'pdf
group' page they belong to. However, once I uploaded pages/pdf files up to my
server, I can only see links of the html pages shown up in 'company info'
(now the 'lab pdf documents' page), but not the links to the actual pdf
documents themselves. Same situation also happened in the 'sitemap' page.. I
suspect this might have something to do with the "WEBBOT" codes:
<!--WEBBOT bot="Navigation" s-orientation="horizontal" s-rendering="html"
s-bar="Bars" s-btn-nml="<A HREF="#URL#" TARGET="#TARGET#"
STYLE="{text-decoration: none;}">#LABEL#</A>" s-btn-sel="#LABEL#"
s-btn-sep=" | " s-type="top" b-include-home="TRUE" b-include-up="FALSE"
startspan -->
However, I really have no knowledge as how this code can be changed to suite
my needs or not. Or, it is simply not feasible to do what I wanted to do.
Could any expert help me out with this task. Any suggestion would be highly
appreciated. Thanks in advance!!