I've been experimenting with the same thing.
A quick fix is to use the BeforeKeyDown event and cancel the event if
the delete button is pressed.
You can also use the Query event (or the BeforeQuery), but I haven't
find any way to cancel these unless you reinsert the data columns in
this event.
Hope it helps.
Jan Kristian Bjerke
Thanks Jan
I dont know if that event tracks when the column is dragging off with
de mouse.
I'm now using the object_DataChange (reason=3) event and simply re
insert the column that have been deleted.

But i have to flag this
event to prevent it to fire up every time the program (not the user)
change de pivot table layout:
sub ptable_DataChange(Reason)
if reason =3 and FLAG_ReInsert=0 then
end if
end sub
I'm posting another question ("Ordering 3 data columns") and i belive
you may have the same problem. Please read it