How to backup server files to harddrive?



I've always wondered how to do this since a few times I couldn't get FP to
open my web I published via the live site.
Now since these changes won't show up on my harddrive - how to I get them
from my server to the harddrive?
Thanks again!


Thanks Steve! I didn't realize it was that easy.
But new question now, how do I do this with FP 2000? I couldn't figure out
how/where to type in the http:// address.

Thanks again!


Follow Steve's instructions.
Type the http://address in the box at the bottom of the Open Web
dialogue - this box is labelled "Folder name"

Or click on Web Folders in the "Look in" column at the left of the
dialogue, and you may be able to click the http://address from the list
of sites there (if it's in the list).

Finally, click Open, then UserId and Password when prompted.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.


Thanks, but that's what I had done and I got this error:
The file name, location, or format" is not valid. Type
the file name and location in the correct format, such as c:\location\file

It gave me this same error whether I did it in the "look in" folder or in
the "folder name" box.


Using FrontPage 2000 I cannot reproduce this error.

There isn't a "look in" folder, "Look in" is a pane on the left of the
dialogue with several possible areas your web site could be in. Typing
the complete web address in the "folder name" box works no matter which
of these locations is selected.

If this error is persistent, then try Help->Detect and Repair to repair
the installation. You may need the FrontPage CD for this.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

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