How to Best Handle This



I need help in determing how best to set up part of my database. I want to
have a table of our mobile equipment. The key would be the asset#. I want a
field for location. I want the location to be one of our valid location.
How best do I handle this? I've read that lookup fields don't work well.

Thank you.

John W. Vinson

I need help in determing how best to set up part of my database. I want to
have a table of our mobile equipment. The key would be the asset#. I want a
field for location. I want the location to be one of our valid location.
How best do I handle this? I've read that lookup fields don't work well.

Thank you.

You do want a lookup - but on a Form, not in your table. In fact you should
never open a table datasheet except for debugging and development purposes.

Base a Form on your Equipment table. Have a table of locations; put a Combo
Box control on the form, based on the location table and bound to the location
field in your Equipment table. It's not necessary to have a Lookup Field in
the table to accomplish this; the Forms toolbox combo box tool will do it for


Thank you!

John W. Vinson said:
You do want a lookup - but on a Form, not in your table. In fact you should
never open a table datasheet except for debugging and development purposes.

Base a Form on your Equipment table. Have a table of locations; put a Combo
Box control on the form, based on the location table and bound to the location
field in your Equipment table. It's not necessary to have a Lookup Field in
the table to accomplish this; the Forms toolbox combo box tool will do it for

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