Rita Perdue
Can someone tell me how to set up a block from receiving emails (with viruses
& worms attached of course) that are addressed to non-existant emails
addresses that I have not set up, such as (e-mail address removed), or
(e-mail address removed), or (e-mail address removed), or worse yet, some email
address that doesn't even include my domain - almost like getting mail that
doesn't belong to me. Can someone at least explain how this mail even gets
into my mailbox when I don't have these accounts set up?
Thanks, I'm getting approximately 50 per day and each has a worm (that gets
removed by my email virus protection program) and it's really boring me to
& worms attached of course) that are addressed to non-existant emails
addresses that I have not set up, such as (e-mail address removed), or
(e-mail address removed), or (e-mail address removed), or worse yet, some email
address that doesn't even include my domain - almost like getting mail that
doesn't belong to me. Can someone at least explain how this mail even gets
into my mailbox when I don't have these accounts set up?
Thanks, I'm getting approximately 50 per day and each has a worm (that gets
removed by my email virus protection program) and it's really boring me to