How to browse a form as a table?


Marcel Nihon

In VBA for Access, how can we browse a form created on a table to, for
example, reset a control to zero from the first to the last line?
Thanks for your help.

Michel Walsh


You reset the fields in the table that is bound to the control in the
form and then refresh the form.

' consider the case where the form is dirty, ie. some modifications have
not yet been saved
If Me.Dirty then
Select Case MsgBox("Save pending changes [OK], " & vbCrLf & _
" or Undo them [Cancel] before continue? ", _
vbOKCancel, "Pending changes not yet saved")
Case vbOk
Case vbCancel
Case Else
Debug.Assert False 'code execution should not be here,
' have I changed the MsgBox possible results?
' without having change the Select Case statement?
End Select
End If

' Reset to 0 all the records in the table
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE tableName SET fieldName=0", dbFailOnError

' refresh the form to get back those new zeros

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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