A.J.M. van Rijthoven
I Have a table with the following fields:
InlegID autonumber, index
InlegNetID number, related to other table for names
Inlegnetnummer number, related to other table for numbers
Inlegdoor number, related to other table with names
Inlegopmerkingen memo
InlegDatum date
Inlegtijd time
It's part of a program used in te operation theatre to see who filled
the trays with instruments in the sterilisation department.
Each tray has a name and number. Sometimes we have 16 trays with the
same instruments so we have numbered all the trays.
I want an actual view/status of all the trays (InlegNetID).
So each tray (inlegNetID) has to be displayed once,
each traynumber has to be displayed once
I'm only interested in the latest date (InlegDatum) and time
(InlegTijd) of this tray with this specific number. So if there were 4
records from 19 nov. I want only the record displayed with the latest
The memofield (Inlegopmerkingen) contains valuable information about
defect or missing instruments on the tray with specific number.)
What kind of query should I use and what do I have to do to get the
output that I want?
InlegID autonumber, index
InlegNetID number, related to other table for names
Inlegnetnummer number, related to other table for numbers
Inlegdoor number, related to other table with names
Inlegopmerkingen memo
InlegDatum date
Inlegtijd time
It's part of a program used in te operation theatre to see who filled
the trays with instruments in the sterilisation department.
Each tray has a name and number. Sometimes we have 16 trays with the
same instruments so we have numbered all the trays.
I want an actual view/status of all the trays (InlegNetID).
So each tray (inlegNetID) has to be displayed once,
each traynumber has to be displayed once
I'm only interested in the latest date (InlegDatum) and time
(InlegTijd) of this tray with this specific number. So if there were 4
records from 19 nov. I want only the record displayed with the latest
The memofield (Inlegopmerkingen) contains valuable information about
defect or missing instruments on the tray with specific number.)
What kind of query should I use and what do I have to do to get the
output that I want?