I have a macro that opens an HTML file then I save it as a text file. When
the HTML file opens, it opens a dialog box that I need to disable. The box is
titled "Show Repairs" and details are "Error are detected in this file, but
Word was able to open the file by making the repairs below..." etc. The
"repairs" are "Recovered Text Only 1".
When I click the Close option on the dialog box, the macro continues. This
dialog is an annoyance. Is there any way to bypass this? In my code
Documents.Open ([mypath\myfile.htm]), AddToRecentFiles:=True, Format:=11
I've tried to use the "OpenAndRepair" which Intellisenses as an option after
a comma for Documents.Open but either it doesn't do anything for my cause or
I don't know the settings to use.
the HTML file opens, it opens a dialog box that I need to disable. The box is
titled "Show Repairs" and details are "Error are detected in this file, but
Word was able to open the file by making the repairs below..." etc. The
"repairs" are "Recovered Text Only 1".
When I click the Close option on the dialog box, the macro continues. This
dialog is an annoyance. Is there any way to bypass this? In my code
Documents.Open ([mypath\myfile.htm]), AddToRecentFiles:=True, Format:=11
I've tried to use the "OpenAndRepair" which Intellisenses as an option after
a comma for Documents.Open but either it doesn't do anything for my cause or
I don't know the settings to use.