How to calculate hours for tasks like Sum function of Excel?



hi all,

im ok the way ms project does the calculation of days for various tasks.

but at time for small workout is there a way where i can achieve scenario
where i enter task name and a duration in days and dont set the dates [start
and end]

After entering 5 tasks and i just want to see the total days as a total
under duration column? i want to do the same as what we do in ms excel using
function SUM()

also how can i share a screen snapshot in this forum to clarify my question?

Gary Chefetz


In all versions of Project through 2007, all tasks must have a start and
finish. Generally, you don't set end dates, rather you allow the system to
calculate them, and the default start date is either the current date,
project start date or the date dictated by a predecessor relationship. If
you link a series of tasks using Finish to Start dependencies and indent
this series under a summary task, the Summary task will show you to rollup
of work and duration.

In Project 2010, this paradigm changes as Project 2010 allows you to use
Project more like you would use Excel and support unscheduled tasks.

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