How to calculate probability



Column a is a list of possible results that can be generated by the use of 4
six sided dice together ranging from 4-24. What I want to calculate in
column B is the number of combinations that the dice can produce that would
total to any given result.

How do I do this? Can I do this?

Jerry W. Lewis

Assuming fair dice

4 can occur only if each die shows a 1: prob=1/6^4

5 can occur if 1 die shows 2 and the rest show 1: prob=COMBIN(4,1)/6^4

6 can occur if 1 die shows 3 and the rest show 1: prob=COMBIN(4,1)/6^4
or if 2 dice show 2 and the rest show 1: prob=COMBIN(4,2)/6^4
(add the two probabilities)

7 can occur if 1 die shows 4 and the rest show 1: prob=COMBIN(4,1)/6^4
or if 1 die shows 3, 1 die shows 2 and the rest show 1:
or if 3 dice show 2 and 1 die shows 1: prob=COMBIN(4,1)/6^4




So how do I turn all of that into something reasonably neat use in my
caculations for column B?

Jerry W. Lewis

Becase of the multiple modes by which a total can be obtained, this doesn't
lend itself to a simple expression (unlike the 2-dice problem). If I wanted
to calculate the results in a hurry without thinking about the combinatorics,
then I would use helper columns as follows:

In C1:F1 enter the number 1
In C2 enter the formula =IF(SUM(D2:$F2)=COUNT(D2:$F2),IF(C1=6,1,C1+1),C1)
Copy C2 and Paste into D2:E2
In F2 enter the formula =IF(F1=6,1,F1+1)
Copy C2:F2 and Paste into C3:F1296
In G2 enter the formula =SUM(C1:F1)
Copy G2 and Paste in to G3:G1296

Now the probability of getting a total of n across the 4 dice can be
calculated as


Jerry W. Lewis

It is less obvious than my previous suggestion, but you could also count the
number of ways to get a given total from n dice (numerators to divide by 6^n
for the probability) from the numerators for rolling n-1 dice.

In A1:A6 enter the number 1 -- these are the numerators for rolling 1 die
In B1 enter the formula =SUM(OFFSET(A1,MAX(-5,1-ROW()),0,MIN(6,ROW()),1))
Copy B1 and paste into B2:B11 -- these are the numerators for rolling 2 dice
Copy B1 and paste into C1:C16 -- these are the numerators for rolling 3 dice

this implements the formula given by


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