How to calculate



I have two tables one has bowlers info in it along with their bowling
average. I have another table that has tournament info in it like
Tournament Name;
tournament date;
male handicap;
female handicap;
max pins male;
max pins female;
handicap based on;
if the tournament is scratch or handicaped.

i would like to design a form that has a bowlers information in it and
a combo box that i would select which tournament the calculation
values would be coming from
based on their average from the bowlers info table;
i would like it to calculate the handicap in an unbound text box based
on the information from the tournament info table.

So it would do something like this.

I would create a record in the tournament info table by way of a form
that has all the rules and data needed to calculate scores for this
tournament. There will be multiple tournament formats with different
values to calculate for multiple tournaments

Values in () are the values going into the tournament info table to
create one tournament. a different tournament would have different

male handicap is (80%)
female handicap is (90%)
male max pins is (40) pins per game
female max pins is (50) pins per game
based on a (210) average or number

so the unbound box would 1st calculate if the bowler is male or female
by a list box or option box (whatever you recommend) in Bowlers info
So if we determin the Bowler is male and his average is (190) from
bowlers info table
the unbound box would now calculate handicap by
(190 "bowlers average" - 210) * 80%
i get the values to work when i build a query and i input the data and
expression in to a calculation field.
i'm looking for an easier way to update the values for if and when the
values change i don't have to change the values in the expressions.

MANY MANY Thanks in Advance

Wayne Morgan

If your data is set up properly, in the calculation you should be able to
refer to the fields that contain these values so that they are "plugged in"
automatically for you. You would replace the numbers with the names of
controls or fields on the form or, in a query, the names of the fields.

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