Private Sub palletnr_LostFocus()
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "qry_stock" ( this opens a query which has the values >I
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit
If stDocName <> "" Then
Dim dbr As Database
Dim rstinit_n As Recordset
Set dbr = CurrentDb() ( This creates a unique nr for a new record)
Set rstinit_n = dbr.OpenRecordset("init_n")
rstinit_n!init_opdr_n = rstinit_n!init_opdr_n + 1
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim tsql As String
Dim cur_trailernr As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
'cur_trailernr = Me.TrailerNr
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM transakt ") this is the
table where i want to ad a record and fill most of the fields up with data
from the same table but a different record)
rst.Fields("nr").Value = rstinit_n!init_opdr_n
rst.Fields("codetrans").Value = 2
rst.Fields("artnaam").Value =
rst.Fields("docnr") = [query]![qry_stock]![DOCNR] (here's the
problem how do I call this data the query is opened i can see the data i need
but i do not know how to call this data)
DoCmd.Close acQuery, stDocName, acSaveNo
End If
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "qry_stock" ( this opens a query which has the values >I
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit
If stDocName <> "" Then
Dim dbr As Database
Dim rstinit_n As Recordset
Set dbr = CurrentDb() ( This creates a unique nr for a new record)
Set rstinit_n = dbr.OpenRecordset("init_n")
rstinit_n!init_opdr_n = rstinit_n!init_opdr_n + 1
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim tsql As String
Dim cur_trailernr As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
'cur_trailernr = Me.TrailerNr
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM transakt ") this is the
table where i want to ad a record and fill most of the fields up with data
from the same table but a different record)
rst.Fields("nr").Value = rstinit_n!init_opdr_n
rst.Fields("codetrans").Value = 2
rst.Fields("artnaam").Value =
rst.Fields("docnr") = [query]![qry_stock]![DOCNR] (here's the
problem how do I call this data the query is opened i can see the data i need
but i do not know how to call this data)
DoCmd.Close acQuery, stDocName, acSaveNo
End If