To get familiar with the object model in project open up the VBE and press F2. Type a word in the search box and off you go. Try typing "guide" into the search box and you'll find some entries on the project guide. When you find an object, method or property you want to know about right-click the item and select the Help option to read the Help file.
Your situation could be a little problematic in that you need to create an application object from one place (Visio) or the other (Project). And Visio is already firing up a Project application object when it does it's wizard thing. Is there any reason you need to run this from project? In effect you would have project creating a visio object which would create a project object, at which point they would probably get confused about who's controlling whom. Just a few thoughts.
I'd like to call the Visio WBS chart wizard from a custom project guide but
I'm unfamiliar with the object model of project. Can someone point me in the
right direction please?