Here is my code. The hyperlink will not update to the new address
Public Sub ChangeHyperlinkAddress()
'declare variables and assign address to object variable
Dim sldSecond As Slide
Dim hypTemp As Hyperlink
Dim strAddress As String
Set sldSecond = Application.Presentations("WhitakerJT9P9.pptm").Slides(2)
'enter new hyperlink address
strAddress = InputBox("Enter hyperlink address", "Hyperlink Address")
'change address of hyperlinks on second slide
For Each hypTemp In sldSecond.Hyperlinks
hypTemp.Address = strAddress
Next hypTemp
'select the second slide
End Sub
Public Sub ChangeHyperlinkAddress()
'declare variables and assign address to object variable
Dim sldSecond As Slide
Dim hypTemp As Hyperlink
Dim strAddress As String
Set sldSecond = Application.Presentations("WhitakerJT9P9.pptm").Slides(2)
'enter new hyperlink address
strAddress = InputBox("Enter hyperlink address", "Hyperlink Address")
'change address of hyperlinks on second slide
For Each hypTemp In sldSecond.Hyperlinks
hypTemp.Address = strAddress
Next hypTemp
'select the second slide
End Sub