See if you can live with this?
Sub DigitsToX()
Dim anyCell As Object
Dim anyText As String
Dim LC As Integer
Const Digits = "0123456789"
'WARNING: run on a copy of your workbook
'this process DESTROYS the content of the
'cells it works on, including 'erasing'
'any formulas
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'since destroying numeric values that
'other cell formulas are dependent on
'will result in a #VALUE error, first
'convert all formulas to their results
'as mentioned - this destroys the formula
'pretty much the same as Edit | Paste Special w/Values
For Each anyCell In Selection
anyCell.Formula = anyCell.Value ' just do it!
'now you can safely convert Digits to x's
For Each anyCell In Selection
If Not (IsEmpty(anyCell)) Then
'added test, use this to keep from
'x-ing out numbers in phrases
'as changing Page 99 Footnote 4
'to become
'Page xx Footnote x
If IsNumeric(anyCell.Value) Then
anyText = anyCell.Text
If Len(anyText) > 0 Then
For LC = 1 To Len(anyText)
If InStr(Digits, Mid(anyText, LC, 1)) Then
Mid(anyText, LC, 1) = "x"
End If
anyCell.Value = anyText
anyCell.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
End If ' Len() check
End If ' check for numeric content
End If ' Empty check
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
It fairly well preserves the format and layout except when the Accounting
format has been chosen (that puts leading spaces between the $ and 1st digit
to keep the $ symbol and decimal aligned in a column). The format looks the
same when you examine it in VB as that for Currency where the $ is butted up
against the 1st digit. So I can't determine when I need to put some spacing
between the $ symbol and 1st digit.
But the dollar sign, commas and decimal are preserved, and if format added a
space at the right end, that's preserved also. I do a right-align to make it
look like most numbers do, although we can probably do testing for other
alignment and emulate it fairly easily.
For Each anyCell In Selection
What does ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Select do? It seems that "for each
cell in selection" works without it.
anyContent = anyCell.Value
For LC = 1 To Len(anyContent)
If InStr(Digits, Mid(anyContent, LC, 1)) Then
Mid(anyContent, LC, 1) = "x"
End If
anyCell.Formula = anyContent
This is close to what I want to do. However, I lose certain things
such as commas separating 1000s because that is part of the cell's
numeric format, not the value.
Because the numeric formats of the cells that I will apply the macro
to vary in appearance (e.g. different number of decimal places, with
and without "$", etc), I think the ideal logic would be something like
dim content as string
content = Display(cell.value)
for i = 1 to len(content)
'replace digits with "x"
cell.formula = content
What can I use for Display()?
In other words, I am looking for a VBA (or worksheet) function whose
result will be the cell value exactly as Excel would format it
according to Format -> Cells options (all of them).
I don't think Format(cell.value) (without format expression) does not
work for me. I think I would need a way to adapt the format
expression (second argument) based on existing the cell format.
Sounds hard.
Caveat: When I say "exactly as Excel would format it", I am not sure
what to expect if the cell alignment is Right Adjusted with some
indentation applied. I would like the result to rely on the cell
format for that aspect (indentation).