how to change and add the Custom Properties of stencil?


Kelvin Chong


I found the method for return the value of Custom
Properties with program but I can find out any method to
change and add the Custom Properties with program.

Can you give me some guide and webpage about editting the
Custom Properties with program?

Thank you.

Kelvin Chong


i use the following for when I add a shape to a network

you should consider also using the visio sdk on the msdn
group since it is common to run into problems when first
learning to add values to cells....



Private Sub pagObj_ShapeAdded(ByVal visShape As IVShape)

Dim strShapeUniqueID As String
Dim intResult As Integer
Dim blnPropAdded As Boolean
Dim blnValueAdded As Boolean
Dim shpCell As Visio.Cell

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
g_blnCostScan = False
blnPropAdded = False

' for everything that has a cost we want a uniqueid
and a date last modified
If visShape.CellExists("Prop.Cost", False) Then
' make sure a unique id is assigned to the shape so
' that we can save/recall it to/from the database
strShapeUniqueID = visShape.UniqueID
blnPropAdded = AddCustomProperty
(visShape, "DTModified", "DTModified", "DTModified",
visPropTypeDate, "", "DTModified", False, False, "DBSync")
If blnPropAdded = True Then
' Debug.Print "Prop added"
Set shpCell = visShape.Cells("prop.DTModified")
SetCellValueToString shpCell, Now
' Debug.Print "Prop not added"
End If
blnPropAdded = False
' now create the database record
subCreatePropertyRecord (strShapeUniqueID)
' then fill it in
subCustPropRecUpdate strShapeUniqueID, visShape
End If

If visShape.CellExists("prop.ipaddress", False) And
Not visShape.CellExists("Prop.VLAN_Id", False) Then
' Debug.Print "shape has ip address and no vlan_id"
blnPropAdded = AddCustomProperty
(visShape, "VLAN_Id", "VLAN_Id", "VLAN_Id",
visPropTypeString, "", "VLAN ID", False, False, "Network")
If blnPropAdded = True Then
' Debug.Print "Prop added"
Set shpCell = visShape.Cells("prop.vlan_id")
SetCellValueToString shpCell, "100"
' Debug.Print "Prop not added"
End If
End If

' Debug.Print "shape added"


If Err > 0 Then
Debug.Print "Err in ShapeAddedEvent is " & Err & " " &
Resume Next
End If

End Sub

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