How to change calendar for un-workable days ?


Raymond Lardenoije

Some of my clients are building contractors. They are used to have
"un-workable days" in the winter (for example when it is freezing you can not
lay bricks or pour concrete outside). In The Netherlands there are guidelines
for how much "un-workable days" a contractor can expect in a certain year.
And they would like to see a time-table / calendar that for example shows 15
work-days in January instead of the normal 20-22 work-days. However, they do
not want to set the exact "un-workable days" in advance (because then clients
and subcontractors will not show up even when it is not freezing).
Because they know to expect approximately 5-7 days of frost they would like
their project-plan to show those days, without specifying the exact days. So
instead of a calendar "sunday january 1 , monday january 2, etc" they would
like a calendar like "january 1st workday, january 2nd workday".
Is something like that at all possible ?

Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Raymond,

First, isn't global warming about to solve this problem :))?
Sorry, no, can't be done.
Depending on how they schedule the best way to simulate this may be to use
fewer working hours in these months, proportional to the number of working

Then when it doesn't freeze one day, just reset the working time back to
default, and when it freezes put to nonworking time: in each case the
schedule will adjust itself.


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