How to change icon for form being read, replied, forwarded ?




We made several custom forms in Outlook 2000. Recently I made some changes
to a form and published the form.
Now when you receive this form you always see a closed envelop, even after
reading or replying or forwarding.

Before the changes the icon worked the same as an open envelop
when it was read, a purple arrow for a reply and a blue arrow for a forward.

What do I need to change to get this working again for this form ?



Bill Le May

Richard said:

We made several custom forms in Outlook 2000. Recently I made some changes
to a form and published the form.
Now when you receive this form you always see a closed envelop, even after
reading or replying or forwarding.

Before the changes the icon worked the same as an open
when it was read, a purple arrow for a reply and a blue arrow for a

I think that custom forms get a static icon - they don't change appearance
based on read/unread/forwarded status. Also there's a limitation of 16-color
form icons on some version of Outlook. I'm running 2003 and it's 16 colors
or nothing. Not sure if 2000 had that bug, too.


It has worked before. This specific forms used the same icons as an email but
this stopped working after my latest modifications.

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