How to change status of projects - checked out/checked in


Mikael Belchior

I have published a number of projects to the Project Server. Not all of them
appear in the project centre section however.

I discovered that this is because the projects that are checked out,
although they have been published, do not appear.

I don't know what I did to check these projects out. What was it?

How do I check them back in, so that I can see them in the server?

I have administrative control of the server.

Thank you.


Hi Makael,

To Check-In Projects do following..
(assuming you are admin.. as you have mentioned)

1. Login to Web Access
2. Select "Admin" from the Top Menu
3. Select "Manage Enterprise Features" option from the left pane.
4. On Selection, "Enterprise Options" should appear in the top portion of
the same pane.
5. Select "Check in Enterprise Projects"
6. "Check in Enterprise Projects" - page will be displayed with a grid
showing all the "Checked-Out" projects.
7. Select the project that you need to Check-In and click on the "Check-In"
button, available above the grid.
8. A confirmatory message would be prompted, select "Ok" and its done.

Note : In this process, as its a forced Check-In, changes made will be lost.

Hope this will help you, but I actually didn't get why Projects are not
being displayed in Project Center. One reason can be that they were checked
out at some point of time, but due to a crash could not be checked in back
and so are not being displayed in Project Center.

Let me know if you still face any problem in this.


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