Is there a way to change/configure the location of the text box ALONG a line?
For example, for line shapes I have coming out of a decision box/diamond
shape I would like to have my decision options text show up closer to the
line end connected to the decision box/diamond shape. Currently text added
to a line shape remains centered between the line's endpoints and I cannot
seem to find any configuration options. It would be cool if the text box in
a line shape had its own handle that the user could simply slide along a line
shape to the desired location. My only option right now seems to be creating
a separate text box from the line that I have to reposition everytime I move
shapes the line is connected to.
For example, for line shapes I have coming out of a decision box/diamond
shape I would like to have my decision options text show up closer to the
line end connected to the decision box/diamond shape. Currently text added
to a line shape remains centered between the line's endpoints and I cannot
seem to find any configuration options. It would be cool if the text box in
a line shape had its own handle that the user could simply slide along a line
shape to the desired location. My only option right now seems to be creating
a separate text box from the line that I have to reposition everytime I move
shapes the line is connected to.