How to change the color, size of the nevigation bar?



I would like to change the look & feel of my web page with my own branded
gold color, etc... how can I do that?
Please help.



I like the free color picker Pixie (thanks to Mary). It will allow you to
determine the RGB of your gold color and then you can use that color on your
pages. I think you can apply it to the navbars too. And don't forget you can
choose alternative navbars from Publisher, and you could always build your



Thank you. This is very helpful.
Could you please advise how can I build my own navbars? I would like to do
that since I tried all the template and they are not to my like. Please



There are all kinds of ways to build your own menus and navbars. One thing
to keep in mind though is that if you abandon the Publisher navbar wizard
you will not have the ability to propagate the navbar or changes to a navbar
throughout the pages. You will have to copy and paste and manually make

If you liked any of the components of the Publisher navbars, you can select
the navbar, go to Arrange and ungroup the different components from each
other, and then use them to build your own.

You could choose from any number of buttons, or images and put a small text
box on top of each. Be careful about leaving a hyperlinked text box grouped
to another design can kill the link. Use grouping to move
things around but then ungroup when you are done.

You could do a simple textual navbar and KISS. Or add a CSS snippet via the
code fragment feature to add some mouseover effects. For example copy and
paste the following snippet into a code fragment box, insert it into your
page and move the box out of the way. Then do a web page preview and
mouseover some link on a page.

a:hover {color: #930015; font-weight: Bold; text-decoration: none;}

I think I remember that the text-decoration: none does not work in Pub 2007
for some reason.

Anyway, if you build your own you will also have to insert your own

You can also google javascript menus and play with those, but be aware that
some of these cannot be followed by the webbots of the search engines, and
thus make it hard to index your site.

Have fun...that is part of the advantage of building your own and using
Publisher to begin with.




It works partially in Pub 2007. Hit and miss. Plain text box links OK.
Tables and nav bars NOT.



I have found it never worked on a wizard built navbar, but didn't know about
the table. Thanks. It does work well in Pub 2000 and 2003 and with a
mouseover removes the link underline, changes the color of the text and
makes it bold. Can you get it to remove the underline?



In Pub 2007 it does not remove the underline Just the color and makes it



DavidF said:
I like the free color picker Pixie (thanks to Mary). It will allow you to
determine the RGB of your gold color and then you can use that color on your
pages. I think you can apply it to the navbars too. And don't forget you can
choose alternative navbars from Publisher, and you could always build your


Hi, I download the Pixie and it can shows me the color combination but it can't help me change the color of the Nav bar. I am not sure if I did it wrong.
I also don't think I can make one myself since I need the automatic links.
I have hundreds of pages and I just can't afford to copy & paste if I make
change to the link. Now if I can just change the color & font size of the
pre-built nav bar, that will be perfect. How can I just change these two
things? Color & the font size. Please help. Thanks.


The wizard built navbar uses preset colors in the color scheme of the
template navbar you are using. I have moved away from all templates and the
Publisher built navbars, so I don't work with the color schemes at all
anymore. In fact, that was one of the reasons I moved away from the
templates. But with that said, to get different colors in your navbar you
will have to create a custom color scheme.

If you select your navbar > Format > Color schemes you should see the
current color scheme applied to your template on the left side of your pub
document. You should also see the option to Create a new color scheme. If
you click that a new dialog comes up that shows all the colors currently
being applied to your template. Click the downward pointing chevron beside
the appropriate color that you want to change > More colors > Custom tab.
You can input your RGB values there. Save the changes, etc. Be sure to test
this with a backup copy of your Pub file in case you mess it up. It will
probably take some experimentation to find which of the scheme colors to
change, but this should be the way to change the colors in your navbar. Of
course it may also change the color of other design elements on your pages,
but perhaps that is ok as you said that you want to use a special color
throughout your site.


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