How to change the default working time in Project?



Is there any way to change the default working time in
the standard calendar?

eg. I change the working time to start at 8:30am to
12:00pm and 1:00pm to 4:30pm. It would be the non-default
working time.

If I select default working time option button, it will
change back to 8:00am to 5:00pm.

I would like to have 8:30am to 4:30pm as my default
working time for the standard calendar for all my project.


Pamela, thank you for answering my question.

I have read that faq too.

If I change the working time in the standard calendar,
they'll be shown as non-default working time. If I select
the use default option, they'll change back to 8:00am to

What I really want to do is set 8:30am to 4:30pm as
default. After I have changed my working time, I could
use the use default option to reset them back to 8:30am
to 4:30pm. Is it possible?

Mike Glen

Hi Danielle,

The Standard calendar is hard coded into Project and thus cannot be changed,
If you have a standard calendar you use for your projects, it is best to
create a template (FAQ #8) set up as you want it and then use that for new

Mike Glen
Project MVP

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