How to change the position of a comment box



At the moment I have a sreadsheet with comments explaing columns headings.
However as the comment box always lies to the right of the cell, the comment
boxes of my last 2 columns are not visible on the screen and one has to
scroll to the right to read them.
Is it not possible to have the comment box to the left? I have tried moving
it, when hiding and unhiding it, but afterwards it always returns to the
Any help would be appreciated.

Jim Rech

I don't think we have any control over where the comment box appears on a
mouse over.

As an alternative to cell comments you might try using the Input Message
part of the Data Validation feature. Although we cannot control where that
appears it doesn't matter as it is floats on top of the screen and is not
blocked by window edges, etc. The cell does have to be selected however for
the message to appear, but to me this is another plus.

| At the moment I have a sreadsheet with comments explaing columns headings.
| However as the comment box always lies to the right of the cell, the
| boxes of my last 2 columns are not visible on the screen and one has to
| scroll to the right to read them.
| Is it not possible to have the comment box to the left? I have tried
| it, when hiding and unhiding it, but afterwards it always returns to the
| righ.
| Any help would be appreciated.

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