how to change the red corner of a cell with a comment



hi, glad to have the chance to make friends with you via this forum.
here is my problem.
as you know, when you add a comment to a cell,a red corner will appear to
show that there is a comment there.
i am puzzled as to how to change the red corner, how to make to be some
other colors ,
or some other shapes instead of red or triangle.
and furthermore how i can make an image of my own style like the red corner
i mentioned above.
i mean to make how to make a cell look like diffirent from other cells ,
without coloring it or making the word in the cell in a special style.for i
dont want it to be printed out.

thank you


Hank Scorpio

You posted exactly the same question on Fri, 8 Aug 2003 15:56:33
+0900, and got an answer from Dave Peterson.

You posted it AGAIN on Fri, 8 Aug 2003 21:54:03 +0900 and got three
answers including one from Tom Ogilvy and one from Dave Peterson.

Repeatedly asking the same question and not bothering to look at or
acknowledge any answers that you get may be stretching the definition
of "making friends" a bit.

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