Sounds like your preferences are well and truly pooched!
The "Font..." item should be the top entry on the Format menu in Word.
It's a bad idea to try to use the Formatting Palette and the Menus together:
you can end up with confusing results.
1) Right-click the Word toolbar (anywhere...)
2) Choose the "Customise toolbars and menus" command
3) Make sure you are in the Toolbars and Menus tab
4) Select the "Menu Bar" entry
5) Click the RESET button
6) Say Yes to the prompt then OK.
Your Font... Item should be back on the Format menu now.
Sorry Michel, there is no FONT choice available in the FORMAT menu? and the
standalone FONT menu only allows you to choose a font, not the colour etc -
which I assume is then done via the formatting palette - which has options for
underline but it's just black; can't find an option to change the underline
colour only the font colour (which ends up matching the underline colour - not
adequate sorry, the underline must be a different colour).
I appreciate this is a trivial question but I really have tried to find the
correct menu etc before posting here. Perhaps my installation of Word:Mac is
faulty? / missing a menu option which can be fixed via preferences.
Your patience is appreciated.
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