For Urgent attention please.
1. How do I plot data generated in a Function macro. Assume that I generated
a data range which I need to be plotted on a sheet.
I have 300 points to be plotted,say. the problem arises because I CANn't use
the following command to paste data generated while running a Function.
Cells(i + 10, j + 2).Value = spread(i, j) -> does not work in a function
..works in a Sub.
1. How do I plot data generated in a Function macro. Assume that I generated
a data range which I need to be plotted on a sheet.
I have 300 points to be plotted,say. the problem arises because I CANn't use
the following command to paste data generated while running a Function.
Cells(i + 10, j + 2).Value = spread(i, j) -> does not work in a function
..works in a Sub.