Hi Rick,
Forgot to mention that if you use
Office Files Button=>New=>Installed Templates
that some of the new designs, such as 'Equity Fax' (the replacement for the previous 'Professional fax') uses small, one cell tables
as boxes you can type an 'x' in, individually, rather than relying on the checkit functions of the Macrobutton fields being
<<"Bob Buckland ?

" <75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)compuserve.com> wrote in message
Hi Rick,
The Business, Contemporary, Elegant, Personal and Professional Fax templates included in previous versions of Word were dropped from
Word 2007 in favor of 'more up to date' ones that include Word 2007 document control fields and that are setup to have Word 2007's
theme feature available.
In downloading the legacy 'Fax Cover Sheet' templates from
or from inside Word 2007 using
Office File Button=>New=>Fax category
The 'Fax cover sheet(Profession Design)' and
'Fax cover sheet(Contemporary Desin) include the macrobutton fields that Suzanne mentioned, to make the check boxes switchable
between checked and uncheck but lack the needed macros and Autotext entries to make them function.
The copy of 'Fax cover sheet(Elegant Design)'
has the macro buttons and also the 'Checked Box' and 'Unchecked box' Document Building block (Autotext) entries, but still lack the
two macros, 'checkit' and 'uncheckit' to enable them to do their thing.
Whether that's a Microsoft action to keep active content out of the templates, or an oversight on someone uploading them I can't
However, once you've saved those templates to your hard drive you can obtain those macros, Autotext entries and how to use them
You can also add Macrobuttons to any of the newer Word 2007 templates available from
Office File Button=>New=>Fax
template category and save your custom template to your PC for later use. >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*