How to check in resources in Project Server?



My problem is the next one: I was editing the Enterprise Resource Pool in
Project. I Checked out all the resources, and I was modifying them (I opened
local project with conection to Project Server tools-enterprise options -
open enterprise resource pool) . In this exact moment, my Project (local)
crashed. The result is that all resources are in checked out state in Project
Server, by an user (myself). But I can't change this state in order to edite
again the resources.

The same problem editing a project publised file. The Project crashed when I
had the published file opened , and it continues in state checked out. Nobody
can open the file in read/write mode.

I tried to restart the server. But the problem continues.



In PWA, select "Admin" -> "Manage Enterprise Features" -> "Check in
enterprise resources" or "Check in enterprise projects", and follow the

The "Check in" is really incorrectly named, what you are doing is removing
the flag indicating someone has this object locked. Obviously all changes
will be lost.

Good Luck

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