how to close a default notebook



hi all
am new to ON 2007 and have some questions that i can’t find a answer
for,i’ve searched ON help files, this forum and the KB but to no avail.

when i installed ON there are two notebooks called “Work Notebook†with sync
icons on them i wish to close them but not sure how to open them back up if
needed there address is:
and \\?\Volume{9c595dbf-22ec-11dc-9a32-0019d175481d}\WorkNotebook,looked on
the computer for it but not found.

also i made three notebooks for myself but these have no sync icons on them
is this normal behaviour as onetime out of the blue when i opened ON they had
sync icons on, then a next day there were gone and i have not got them again.

also sorry to sound foolish but this is totally unrelated, the forum window
with the list of post’s on the left and the message pane on the right how do
i change the size of the window moving the black line right and left, as i
tried with my mouse but it seems to move randomly.

can i thank you in advance so much for some help and your time with these


Kulkarni, Kiran Vilas

Can you give more details about the location of the notebooks e.g.
- Did you install OneNote other than C:\ drive?
- Did you create new notebooks on USB disk?


thank you for a quick response kiran.

onenote was only installed on C:\drive and these two notebooks titled “work
notebooks†with sync icons were already there with the onenote 2007 guide
notebook these were the only 3 notebooks i had as default when installed.

i made another two to three notebooks for myself which i put on a USB disk.

when i right click these two notebooks called “work notebooks†and choose
properties the address that it says is
\\?\Volume{9c595dbf-22ec-11dc-9a32-0019d175481d}\OnenoteNotebooks\WorkNotebook and \\?\Volume{9c595dbf-22ec-11dc-9a32-0019d175481d}\WorkNotebook.

am completely lost to where they are on my computer as if i we’re to close
them and need them later i don’t know where they are located.

as with the notebooks i made they are at the default location, C:\users\my
username\documents\onenote workbooks\name of notebook.

can i take this moment to thank you for all your help and time.


Kulkarni, Kiran Vilas

Alright, I think I have somewhat idea what you are experiencing -

Here is some information which I think should help you.
- Notebooks you created locally on C:\ will be stored under
C:\Users\UserName\Document\OneNote Notebooks\Name of the notebook.
- there will be a single file folder for each notebook.
- If you close any of the local notebook using OneNote, still the folder
remains here and you can open the notebook using 2 ways.. 1) come to the
folder, right click, open it as notebook in OneNote 2) Within OneNote -
File -> Open -> Point to the notebook folder.

Now about the \\?\Volume .....
- You would get path in properties for a notebook you created on a USB drive
when it was plugged in but right now not plugged in.
- the notebook for which you are seeing the \\?\Voume path should show an
sync icon with red cross showing disconnected state since it can not find
the usb drive where it was created.
- Try plugging in the usb stick you created the notebook on. the sync icon
should turn into green check mark. this is because OneNote located the usb
- Now if you check the notebook properties, it will show something like
X:\Notebook Path where X:\ is the drive letter your OS assigned to your USB
- I think the string \\?\Volume ... you see is OneNote's way to identify a
storage device irrespective of the drive letter. (Disclaimer - I am not
OneNote technical expert, experts on this newsgroup can add more details /
correct my theory. your best bet can be calling MS tech support for the
Official help)

You can close the notebook once all the changes are synced back to the
Hope this helps to solve your problem.



thank you again for a good response kiran.

i was reading over what you was saying, do you
have ON 2007 and if so did it have two
“workbooksâ€notebooks already installed on it
with the sync icons on.

i tried the USB drive but it did not recognize the

the two “workbooksâ€were already there when i
installed ON but what you said makes sense ,so
i changed there path to my documents
as the default for all notebooks and then closed

there not in my documents did not show
up so i suppose they were remote notebooks.

help very much appreciated.


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