DetRich said:
Thanks for the reply Duane.
Two follow-up questions:
When the DoCmd.RunSQL executes, it prompts me for the same info as the
InputBox. Why does it do this, and how do I eliminate it?
See below.
2nd: In your INSERT statement, you have 3 double quotes in the
Values part. Won't this insert double quotes around the value being
Yes. What he is doing is creating a string that will be passed to the
query engine to be executed. This string needs to be the same string you
would see in the SQL View of the query builder if you used it to build a
similar query using hardcoded values. So that means, if the query engine
expects string delimiters (quotes) then you have to supply those
delimiters in the string you create. The trouble is, when assigning
literal text to a variable in VBA, you have to delimit that text with
s = "this is my text"
The problem is, the query engine is also expecting delimiters for
character data:
insert into table(textcol1) values("text to be inserted")
If you try:
s="insert into table(textcol1) values("text to be inserted")"
The VBA parser will interpret the quote before the word "text" as the
closing delimiter for your string and will error out because of the
characters following that quote. To avoid this, the literal quote
characters must be "escaped", by doubling them. When the VBA parser
encounters two adjacent quotes, it interprets them as a single literal
quote. To put that into practice:
s="insert into table(textcol1) values(""text to be inserted"")"
msgbox s
This is what I have and along with the actual Username, it prompts
for, and attempts to insert first and last names:
Private Sub cmdNewSME_Click()
Dim strSME, strFirstName, strLastName As String
Dim strQuery As String
strQuery = "Insert into tblUsers (CDSID, FName, LName) Values (strSME,
strFirstName, strLastName)"
You have just created a string containing the words strSME, etc. See for
Msgbox strQuery
The query engine will not be able to run that string without prompting
for values for the parameters you gave it (any unknown object names are
treated as if they are parameters).
SME = UCase(InputBox("Please enter the CDSID of the SME"))
FName = UCase(InputBox("Please enter the First Name of the SME"))
LName = UCase(InputBox("Please enter the Last Name of the SME"))
This does nothing to change the content of strquery. Again, see for
Msgbox strQuery
What you have to do is assign those values to the variables first.
SME = UCase(InputBox("Please enter the CDSID of the SME"))
FName = UCase(InputBox("Please enter the First Name of the SME"))
LName = UCase(InputBox("Please enter the Last Name of the SME"))
Then, concatenate the values of those variables into strQuery, properly
delimiting the character data. I am not sure what datatype CDSID is. I
will assume it is numeric, in which case the concatenation should look
like this:
strQuery = "Insert into tblUsers (CDSID, FName, LName) Values (" & _
strSME & ", """ & strFirstName & """, """ & strLastName & """)"
Msgbox strQuery 'alternatively write it to the debug window
Personally, I prefer to use parameters so I don't have to worry about
delimiters. In your case, I'm curious why you are so committed to the
use of InputBox ... are you planning to use those variables later on in
your procedure? Why not keep your code as written and let Access prompt
for those values?