How to Combine two Project Server 2003 databases?




We have recently brought up a corporate Project Server 2003. In the
meanwhile, we have discovered that one of our operating groups has been using
Project Server 2003 to keep track of some of its projects.

What are some of the issues to consider if we would like to migrate their
content into our new database? Ideally, we would like to keep both set of
projects. I understand there might be issues with merging Enterprise pools,
resources, sharepoint services sites, and so on, but am not clear about all
the issues that we need to look out for.

What is the recommended approach to solving this problem?

Thank you.



Off the top of my head, any differences in Enterprise Global fields,
enterprise calendars, enterprise views, etc that are in the organizer will be
the first place I would look and do a comparison.

When you are importing the plans into the corporate instance, you can map
the resources so that shouldn't be too bad to do.

Security groups, views and permission differences would be another area of

Hope this helps.


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