If you're opening, changing, and saving the files by hand, change the extensions of the
input files to .txt. Then use File - Open. It will start the Text Import Wizard, where you
can specify Delimited, The tab delimiter, and other stuff. Then change the formatting
(Format - Cells - Number) of the column with your dates/times. Then save the file, setting
the file type as *.txt or *.csv.
The import, since it's tab-delimited, will not parse that unusual date field. But you can
do that with the column that it winds up in with formulas in other columns. If your "Fri
Aug 22 13:49:20 EDT 2003" is in column B, you could use
=DATEVALUE(MID(B2,5,6)& ", " & RIGHT(B2,4))
The day (22) must always be 2 characters for this to work properly. It might need some
tweaking. Format the cell containing the formula as a date (Format - Cells - Number -
If the layout of all the text files is the same, you'll save time by setting up an Import
Query (Data - Import external data - Import Data). That will import the various files into
the sheet containing the formula that builds a new date, which you can copy/paste using
paste special values, from the formula cell to where you want it.
Or you could use Data - Text to columns on that column alone using space as the delimiter.
Then go after the parts you want. This sounds like macro time, once you find a good
algorithm, since you have many to do.
Earl Kiosterud
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Some folks prefer bottom-posting.
But if you bottom-post to a reply that's
already top-posted, the thread gets messy.
When in Rome...