How to Convert First letter lowercase to upper case in Form



Hi Friends,
I have a Call information data table.
I have created a form based on this table.
In my table and form I have Name, Address1, Address2 …. Fields.
What I need to do is: If I type name in lower case automatically I need to
convert First letter Capital and remain simple. Need ach word same auto
I need to do this in my Form. Please help me.
Thank you in advance
Indu from UK

'69 Camaro

Hi, Indu.

In each text box's OnAfterUpdate( ) event, use the StrConv( ) function with
the vbProperCase parameter. For example:

Private Sub txtName_AfterUpdate()
Me!txtName.Value = StrConv(Me!txtName.Value, vbProperCase)
End Sub

.. . . where txtName is the name of the text box.


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Hi Camaro,
I cannot see any tick box bottom of the message
how i comment this it's work. Thank you so much

'69 Camaro

Hi, Indu.

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HI Camaro or anyone else that can help

I have posted the code you gave to Indu in one of my forms a field to
convert more than one words first letter to a capital letter and it worked
great! But I then decided I would do it to a few other fields also, but not
so great, it doesnt work on the other fields yet it works fine on the first?!

Not sure why and wondered if you had a possible solution... I did the norm
thing to do as to ensure the field name was correct and on after_update as
with the first field... but totally lost as to why it ignores the code... it
doesnt go into the code at all.




Thanks...this worked for me also...but only after an interesting
modification...i had to put the code into the After Exit box, not after
update !!

What do you think of that?


This worked for me too. However, I also need to change the following format:

Lastname, Firstname.
Ex: Smith, Jane

I need the L and F to capitalize for me.

Your help is greatly appreciated.


Al Campagna

Using concatenation on the FName = "jane", and LName = "smith"
(all on one line)
=Ucase(Left(LName,1)) & Mid(LName,2) & ", " & Ucase(Left(FName,1)) &
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP

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