sumesh56 was thinking very hard :
i have a worksheet. in which i have grades in col C. I want to get
these grades converted into a value in col D. suppose grades are
like this..
in C5=A1 C6=B1 C7= D1
i want to convert ----- A1 into 10 B1 into 8
AND D1 into 6. how can i accomplish this?
My Student Grades Manager app uses a lookup table to pull letter grades
and point averages into the Summary module (named range) of a class
sheet. This works on ranges of total marks so that if the mark falls in
a range of the GradesTable then the appropriate letter grade and point
average populates their respective columns for each student in the
class. So there a column for FinalAvg, FinalGrade, and PointAvg.
If you set your grades up in a named table so your formulas can use a
LOOKUP function then you can use the same formula in all cells. The
table can be H or V. (I use HLOOKUP above the FreezePanes row)
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