How would I convert total hours into minutes?
For exampl: 2:10 into 130 minutes
How are you getting the 2:10?
Note that Access Date/Time values are NOT appropriate for storing
durations; a Date/Time value is actually stored as a Double Float
count of days and fractions of a day since midnight, December 30,
1899. As such, a duration over 24 hours will NOT show as (e.g.) 28:15,
but as #31-Dec-1899 04:15:00#. If you're storing durations at
one-minute granularity, it's usually best to store them in a Long
Integer number field, and use an expression like
[Duration] \ 60 & Format([Duration] MOD 60, ":00")
to display hours and minutes.
John W. Vinson [MVP]