How to copy a sheet's formatting from one xls to another?


John Dalberg

I need to copy a sheet with its data and formatting from an xls to another.
Doing a regular ctrl-c/ctrl-v just copies the data. How can I also copy the

John Dalberg

Gary''s Student

Copy the entire sheet:

Edit > Move or Copy Sheet...

Not just the cell formats, but also the the column wisths and row heights.


As Gary suggested copying thhe sheet is a very good approach - and the
approach i would take.

An additional answer is as follows:

1) After you control C in the first worksheet, in the new worksheet, right
click and click on paste special and make sure "All" is selected. Select OK,
and the data values, formulas, formats, comments, etc will all copy.

OR 2) Copy and paste the data as you have been doing (ctrl+c then ctrl+v),
then go to the original sheet again (copied data should still be selected),
click on the format painter button on the standard toolbar, then go to the
new sheet and click the first cell of the copied data and the formats will

Out of interest, what excel are you running?

steve :)

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