How to copy a worksheet from one workbook to another ?



Hello world,

How to copy a worksheet from one workbook to another ?

I have been trying the whole afternoon without success.

Help please !

Philip Reece-Heal


Have both workbooks open and in the workbook you want to copy from. In the
Edit menu, choose Move or Copy Sheet and in the box that appears click
"create a copy" at the bottom and select your destination workbook in the
"To book" box at the top. Then click OK

Best of luck

Earl Kiosterud


Right-click the sheet tab, choose "Move or Copy." In the "To book" box,
select the workbook into which it's to be copied. Be sure to select "Create
a copy." (I've been waiting for them to move that to the top where it won't
be overlooked. May never happen).


Sorry I forgot to precise that I wanna copy a worksheet from one workbook to
another in Visual basic for Excel.

I'm writting a macro and I need some specific code to copy a worksheet from
one workbook to another.

Help, help !!!

Anders S


Did you try to record a macro? It will give you the basic syntax to start with, like
Sub Makro1()
Sheets("MasterFile").Copy Before:=Workbooks("Bok1").Sheets(1)
End Sub

Anders Silven

Anders S

Also asked (and answered) in .worksheet.functions.

Please don't multipost, you are wasting peoples time.

Anders Silven

Bill Sharpe

Earl Kiosterud said:

Right-click the sheet tab, choose "Move or Copy." In the "To book" box,
select the workbook into which it's to be copied. Be sure to select "Create
a copy." (I've been waiting for them to move that to the top where it won't
be overlooked. May never happen).
It is at the top. See previous post -- one minute earlier. <g>


Earl Kiosterud


No, what I meant was I'm waiting for them to move the "Create a copy" box to
the top. I often see if overlooked by folks I work with. They don't often
catch the error until they later start trying to figure out what the devil
happened to a worksheet! Since the dialog is for "Move or Copy," it seems
more logical to get that established up front. I guess. <g>

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