how to copy cells with some certain words in them



I have an Excel database of some 50,00 lines of test equipment, the
description shows manufacturer, type and model number of tehitem.
I wish to extract (copy to new location) all cells that have a specific type
of item e.g. "Power Supply" from an entry such as "Lambda -LYS-EE-5v Power
Supply" there may be other manufacturers names elswhere


If your descriptions are in Col A
then enter this in B1
=IF(ISERROR(FIND("Power Supply",A1)),0,1)
and copy down

Now filter Col B on cells with value 1... This will show all itesm with
"Power Supply" in the description...

You can copy Col B on value zero and delete those rows to be left with the
items you want.

Shane Devenshire


select your data with titles

1. Choose Data, Filter, Auto Filter
2. Open the auto filter drop down in the type field and choose Custom
3. From the first drop down pick Contains
4. In the box to the right enter Power Supply and click OK
5. Select all the data and copy, move to a new sheet and paste


You might want to use SEARCH instead of FIND, so that it is not case

Hope this helps.


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